Total 12 saplings planted on Eagle Street on 16 June 2016.
This list last updated on 20 6 16, 3.45 pm.
1. Code E-7: SYZYGIUM CUMINI ? - nerale - jamun - java plum. Planted 16.6.16
Location: No. 2 Eagle Street, Outside Bay Berry Apts
Suitability: Under electric lines. Check if tree is nerale - unsuitable?
Tree spacing: 12 feet away from existing basavanapada tree E-8. Is this okay? Or should we move pit closer to the Berlie St junction to enable cars to park inbetween trees?
Pit size: Pit size is not of correct dimensions, should it be expanded for breathing space base of tree?
Watering: Bay Berry security? (name .. )
2. Code E-9: THESPESIA POPULNEA - huvarasi - Portia Tree. Planted 16-6-16
Location: No. 2 Eagle Street, outside Bay Berry Apts
Suitability: Under electric lines. Huvarasi grows 30-40 ft high, unsuitable? Replace or prune next year? Small tree saplings available with NT.
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: Good
Watering: Bay Berry security? (name .. )
3. Code E-12: UNKNOWN Planted 16-6-16.
Location: No.3 Eagle Street, outside edge of Elgin Court flats
Suitability: FO to confirm
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: FO to confirm, looks okay. BUT was planted over 1 1/2 ins-diameter blue cable.
Watering: Elgin Court residents/security Anwar?
4. Code E-14: AZADIRACHTA INDICA? neem? Planted 16-6-16.
Location: No. 4 Eagle St, outside Grace Land flats.
Suitability: FO to confirm
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: Good
Watering: Grace Land residents/security Shabeer?
5. Code E-18: SYZYGIUM CUMINI ? Planted 16 6 16
Location: No. 6 Eagle St, outside Lisby old villa.
Suitability: Under electric lines. FO to confirm
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: Good
Watering: Trumph/Haydon Court residents/security? (Note: Lisby resident is very senior citizen, cannot ask him to do)
6. Code E-21: MILLETTIA PINNATA ? honge? Planted16 6 16
Location: Between 6 and 7 Eagle St, Lisby villa and All Seasons flats
Suitability: Clear overhead - good for tall tree - should we swap with nerale or silver oak that need to be removed from other spots?
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: Good
Watering: All Seasons residents/security Devegowda?
7. Code E-24: PHYLLANTHUS ACIDUS - nellikai - Star Gooseberry - Planted 16 6 16
Location: At dead end, near Farah Greens flats
Suitability: Good?
Tree spacing: 2-3 ft away from other existing saplings on either side
Pit size: Good?
Watering: Annie? Farah Greens security? (name?)
(note: Nellikai star gooseberry is different from round amla which is phyllanthus emblica)
8. Code E-26: SYZYGIUM CUMINI? nerale? Planted 16 6 16Location: No. 10 Eagle St, outside Farah Greens flats
Suitability: Clear overhead. Good?
Tree spacing: 7 ft away from other existing sapling
Pit size: Not to FO specs
Watering: Farah Greens residents/security?
9. Code E-27: SYZYGIUM CUMINI? nerale? Planted 16 6 16
Location: No. 10 Eagle St, outside Farah Greens flats
Suitability: Clear overhead. Good?
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: Not to FO specs
Watering: Annie? Farah Greens security? (name?)
10. Code E-29: SYZYGIUM CUMINI? nerale? Planted16 6 16
Location: Outside 12/2 Eagle St, house.
Suitability: Clear overhead. Good?
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: Good
Watering: Haydon Court residents/security? (Note: Resident 12/2 had objected as wanted parking space, so cannot rely on them to care for sapling)
11. Code E-32: UNKNOWN Planted 16 6 16
Location: Outside 13 Eagle St, Park Land flats
Suitability: Good?
Tree spacing: Good?
Pit size: to be checked
Watering: Park Land residents/security?
12. Code E-36: SYZYGIUM CUMINI? nerale? Planted16 6 16
Location: Outside 15 Eagle St, old villa, Hiremath owner
Suitability: Good?
Tree spacing: Good
Pit size: to be checked
Watering: New flats/Hiremath residents/security?
Borders can be bricks/rocks placed by volunteers or proper borders by residents.
Trimming to be done after 1 year? FO to confirm.
Try to get residents to do watering, rather than security, to create sense of ownership. Children may be enthusiastic.
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